Hey Romp & Roosters! Happy summer!

How’s everyone doing? As always, we hope you’re well, healthy, and enjoying your family! Whose summer plans got re-directed amidst the pandemic? So many families are choosing not to fly, or have had flights and hotels canceled. To that end, who has a #Romp&RoostRoadtrip planned? It’s the perfect time to load up the family truckster and hit the open roads. Pack lots of snacks, entertainment, and of course your Romp & Roost!

We’re leaving our beautiful home (but hot!) state of Florida to visit the stunning mountains of North Carolina! We’re hoping to get in lots of hiking, brewery visits, and much-needed down time with the kids. Our Airbnb looks charming, with ample space and a beautiful yard to play in. And zero worries about how to keep little ones safe and happy as long as the Romp & Roost is on-board!

Let us know what your summer plans are, and how Romp & Roost is making your travel plans just a bit easier to navigate. We’d love to hear from all of our loyal fans! Here we are packed up and ready to see what adventure awaits us in North Carolina! Stay well, family, and we hope to hear from you soon!